Free Products with the Purchase of the Mercury Safe Dentist Education Add-On ($450 Value!)

In our ongoing effort to support your Mercury Safe Practice, and as an incentive to purchasing the Mercury Safe Education Add-On, we are including 3 Free Products with the Purchase of an Add-On. Following is a brief description of each Free Product and a Link for you to access more information about them.

DVD Course 

Dr. Tom McGuire's DVD Course: How to Make Your Practice Mercury Safe - Minimizing Occupational Exposure to Mercury in the Dental Office - is the only DVD Course available to dentists. It is the A to Z guide to making sure your office is fully Mercury Safe. It details how to protect the patient, you and your staff, and the environment from unnecessary and excessive exposure to mercury at the office.

Even if you feel your office is now fully Mercury Safe the DVD Course is the very best way to educate existing, and new staff, about the importance and value of being Mercury Safe. Using it for staff education will not only save you a lot of time, but will prove to your staff the importance of what you are doing and how it will protect them from the health hazards of mercury vapor. It is also great tool to use for screening and educating a new Associate.

Click Here to visit the New Directions Dentistry Homepage and learn about this amazing Course and why it is a Must for every Mercury Safe Dental office. Be sure to review the Side Menu 'Link to Hg Studies' as it will not only show studies on the occupational hazards of mercury at the dental office, but as importantly, show you that the ADA actually supports Mercury Safe Dentistry - you don't want to miss that. ($195 Value)

Referenced and Abstracted Articles on Mercury   

Dr. Tom has put together the largest referenced and abstracted database of articles on mercury available today. The database is web based and there are over 1200 references articles (180 pages) with an easy to use Table of Contents. It has to be seen to be appreciated and if a patient ever asks you to 'Show them the Science' this is what you show them. Click Here to Lean More About the Database. ($225 Value)

Continuous Loop DVD   

Mercury is a powerful poison and anyone who has mercury amalgam (silver) fillings is being chronically poisoned by them 24/7. Most dental patients aren't aware of this fact or if they do - may be skeptical. In fact, according to a Zogby Poll, over 76% of those surveyed didn't even know that mercury was the main component of amalgam fillings. But, and this is essential to understand, if they had known that mercury is a major component of amalgam fillings they would have them replaced - regardless of the cost. (This alone should prove to you the value of adding a Mercury Safe Education Add-On to your website's homepage.)

Dr. Tom McGuire's 'Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth' DVD demonstration not only visually proves that mercury is released from amalgams - but that more mercury vapor is released from brushing a single mercury amalgam filling is more than is allowed by governmental regulatory agencies at the workplace. To Learn More about the value of the DVD to your practice Click Here.

This 6 minute video is perfect for the waiting room or operatory. It would be nearly impossible for a patient, who is uncertain as to the health hazards of mercury amalgam fillings, to not want to have his/her amalgams safely removed after watching this video. (The video was taken from Dr. Tom's YouTube video of the same name. Click Here to watch the video and you will see for yourself what we mean about its value. ($30 Value)

Other Links  

Click Here to Order Your Mercury Safe Education Add-On 

Click Here to Learn More about Dr. Tom's Mercury Safe Dentist Internet Directory

Click Here for Visual Preview of the Education Add-On

Click for More Information about Mercury Safe Education Add-On 

Click Here to Contact Us

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