Testimonial from Dr. Tom McGuire
I know Dr. Gerry Curatola and have worked closely with him to establish a Patient Education Program at his Mercury Safe dental office. I consider Dr. Curatola to be a highly trained, dedicated, experienced and skilled Mercury Safe, Holistic dentist. He utilizes his knowledge and training in these areas when designing dental treatment plans for his patients. I am impressed with the depth of his dental knowledge and understanding about the critically important relationship of oral to overall health and his sincere effort to educate his patients. As such I acknowledge him as the “Education Dentist”.
His ongoing post-graduate training in holistic, cosmetic, and traditional dentistry and his concern for the safe removal of amalgam fillings makes him ideally suited to remove and replace them. I highly recommend Dr. Curatola to anyone seeking a caring, health focused, Occupationally Mercury Safe and Mercury Free (amalgam/silver filling free) dentist. He is a charter member of my International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD). Please say hi to Dr. Curatola when you see him.
Dr. Tom McGuire